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Post by Crazy_Dog » Thu Oct 25, 2007 5:38 pm

first off to those who are talking about quiting OMR because of this year I'm sorry for the way things have been running, I know the events have not ran as smooth as they should have run, and the schedule with the lot use has been far worse than it should have been.

most of these problems are the result of a un-organized solo2 manager with the tenancy to try and please everyone including the lot owner...

my move is not 100% set in stone. I'm more than likely going to be out of here before the end of November. but regardless I'm not going to do solo2 next year nor be on the board.

if I'm around I will be more than willing to HELP. I'll do everything I can to help. but I will not under any circumstances run the show, serve on the board or handle any paperwork outside of the actual racing event.

I have a hard time starting to many projects. volunteering for to many things, and happily raising my hand to work overtime at work without thinking of the crap I already have stacked up. bad habit I need to fix before I do anything else.....

that said to the number of people who are talking about not coming to OMR events I issue a challenge.

grow a pair

come to the events

serve on the board.

come to the board meetings and bring up issues as you see fit, don't be scared of pissing anyone off, whats the worse that can happen?

then when your done with that RELAX. its a CLUB
have some fun. I think we have had allot of fun this year together in spite of all the stupid shit that has gone on at the events. so whats so bad? is having plans changed at the last min really that bad? has no one here ever been stood up on a date? or had a friend tell them they were going someplace then whoops sorry the wife says I cant go.... seems like that happens to me on a weekly basis (not the date part I couldn't get one of those if I wore a suit woven out of $100 bills ;) lol)

I can understand being frustrated at the schedule. but on the other hand... if a high strung person like me can shrug and go MEH... why cant you?

schedule changes shouldn't be anything to make someone quit the club... thats just dumb...
Last edited by Crazy_Dog on Wed Dec 05, 2007 3:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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- Jonathan Fessenden, - OMR Board Member

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Post by JimR » Thu Oct 25, 2007 6:51 pm

Jonathan, you've done a lot of hard work over the last couple of years single-handedly that many regions would use a team to accomplish. No one else has been jumping up and down to take the Solo Chair position, so there's not much latitude to complain.

From the SCCA rulebook: should be remembered that Solo events are sporting events, to be conducted in a sporting spirit; that all events are organized and managed by amateurs who cheerfully give their time and do their best, that the competitor may expect some imperfections of the organizers and of his fellow competitors; and that, to a reasonable extent, these things are part of the chances he takes in entering the competition.
OMR has a lot going for it, and this is the time we need support the most. NEOkla is losing its only site, and ARSCCA is down to tiny War Memorial and distant Walnut Ridge. Texarkana AutoX folded, and KC and STL remain long drives to larger, less personal events. OMR still has a site, and can put on a better experience (more casual, more runs) than larger regions with a little effort.

How? Okay, I'm going to lay it out.

This is not a one-person job. The yearly "person" usually gets burned out on running everything or moves, and the cycle starts over every season. There has to be some sort of logical division of work that a group of people could tackle and not be overworked. Jonathan, how would you divide the job into maybe three people?

We've had some close calls with shortages of qualified Solo Safety Stewards. If Sam had not been able to show in September, we would have had to call it racing, everyone goes home. We have to get the Divisional SSS down here to qualify some more people. The winter break or right before the first event of 2008 would be a good time. We have a number of willing people (myself included), but timing and organiziation haven't come together.

In 2008, this is either going to be efficient and smooth, or a disaster. There will be no way to wing it anymore. Registration has to become a work assignment, maybe two.

The SCCA will be extracting $5 and a "weekend membership" form from the region for every non-member entry in 2008. This rule addressed issues with tax exemption when taking in money from non-members and site insurance, so it passed without a fight at National. While most people moan about the $5, I think the paperwork gridlock will be a much larger problem.

Registration is also where we're getting badly unbalanced heats, worker shortages, and having workers in the elements for way longer in the second heat. There needs to be someone - a real chief of workers position - to monitor worker signup and check-in. No more five people per corner first heat, then an empty trailer the second.

Some sort of pre-registration would be a boon. Something that at least allows cars and classes to be entered in the computer before race day and keeps the line from getting a mile long with the SCCA "weekend membership" stuff.

It's always the same handful of people who show up early and leave late to make essential things happen. You can tell when they don't make it to an event. Just a few more people coming 90 minutes early or staying an extra 30 minutes would help a lot. Tech, registration, lot setup, course setup, and trailer packing - helping makes the event start earlier, gives you more runs, and gets people home earlier.
Jim Rowland - Your friendly OMR volunteer at large
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Post by Crazy_Dog » Thu Oct 25, 2007 7:18 pm

JimR wrote: Chairpersons
This is not a one-person job. The yearly "person" usually gets burned out on running everything or moves, and the cycle starts over every season. There has to be some sort of logical division of work that a group of people could tackle and not be overworked. Jonathan, how would you divide the job into maybe three people?
a paperwork chair. IE, doing things like getting sanctions, talking to the lot owner, getting items like porta potty on the lot.

a event chair. runs the events the day of.

a results chair. fix timing problems, make sure audit reports get sent to the treasurer.

honestly 2 chairs would be great. 1 for day of and 1 for all the paperwork and organization. although the website could be considered a 3rd.

having a dedicated registration person would help allot. getting things setup always seemed to overshadow registration and I ended up rushing it then starting late. having someone who can focus on nothing but reg would be great. we had made an attempt at pre-registration with a database but honestly with the computer if you have raced once before, simply remembering your car number and class is just as easy as pre-registering.

I've thought about doing mandatory heat management like way back when. stock vs non-stock type setup. except that way does not take in account that some people we need for certain jobs like the computer or SSS.
one way I have toyed with in my mind was to set the signup sheets out without a first or second run marking. roll a dice to see which paper gets to run first. dont know how well that would go over though.
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Post by magilson » Thu Oct 25, 2007 7:51 pm

I am willing to help but have not yet been informed as to how. Is there a meeting that will be held that I can attend to learn more?
Matt Gilson
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Post by Crazy_Dog » Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:31 pm

the next meeting is Tuesday the 6th at Schultz's and Dooley's too on south national. we meet in the little room in the back.


best part about coming is the after meeting when the talk turns to cars and the happenings of past days while having a tall one :)

its worth everything just for that! :D
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- Jonathan Fessenden, - OMR Board Member

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Post by scoTT » Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:41 pm

I might stop by as well..... might be a good time to give a helping hand...Id like to see OMR continue to provide a safe and fun place to autoX :)
Scott Mahaffey FSP 187
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Post by magilson » Thu Oct 25, 2007 10:20 pm

Crazy_Dog wrote:while having a tall one :)

its worth everything just for that! :D
I'm there.
Matt Gilson
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Post by Import Specialist Racer » Fri Oct 26, 2007 10:53 am

8) How about a view or suggestions from an outsider? (somewhat of one anyways) :D

Event Chair, Have a chair for each event. Not the Solo manager. Its the responsibility of Event chair to make it all happen. Especially getting a course design or finding an experience person that can. A proper course with proper gates. Also delegating work load to co chair and finding a SS, and chief of workers.

Online registration MUST HAVE. Takes a lot of hastle out of the days work load. Make room for walk up's. Cap heat number, Cap worker per heat level.

Promoting Auto crossing As avid AXers you should be working constantly on bringing in noob's. Work with them so they have a great first experience. Its only the single largest armature Motor-sport event in the world! Identify the Noobs work with them. Especially the experienced guys. As an experienced driver i feel it is my duty to give back to the sport to assist new folks and give them a awesome first experience. This is what i do. More new folks will get OMR more monies and eventually more people to assist in running the show. I feel you guys need to do a AX School. You have some experienced guys and they can teach. Do it on a Saturdays prior to an event. I can help. I do them every year. OMR should do them. Education is the best modification you can do. I may even be able to get a couple of really fast guys to come down and teach. So lets do this!!!

As a former Event chair of several events in KC in 05 i suffered burn out. OMR must get more involved. So some of you need to step up to the plate and swing. OMR is a good chapter! Take it to the next level. DONT GIVE UP!

I wished I lived there as I would take the manager spot. So, some one step up and make it happen.

This was not intended to offend any one but rather offer some suggestion's.
Chris Conant
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Post by mlt » Fri Oct 26, 2007 6:22 pm

I want to Help !

I will do registration, paperwork, ordering supplies, record keeping. It is not feasible for me to make the meetings. But I have e-mail and a phone!

I have the technology !

gotta go faster !

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Post by RodgerGrantham » Sat Oct 27, 2007 9:02 am

Hey Jonathan,

Welcome to the world of thankless jobs-heh. You'll never hear me complain when someone else like you takes on the task of doing something for the rest of us in the club because I've been there-done that. I've spent a few years as Solo chairman, plus Rally chairman, News Letter Editor, and RE, so I can't tell you how much I enjoy being able to show up at an autocross (even if I showed up on the wrong day today!) and I see cones already setup. I've been doing this for 30 years and there have always been some who will complain, go join another region to 'punish' us (what's up with that anyway), or just plain take their toys home and quit. THis whole thing is about getting together as a group - a CLUB - to put together the events so we can ALL enjoy doing something we all like to do. Anyone who volunteers to take on the tasks of organizing events, serving on the board, keeping the web site going, etc. should have the utmost appreciation (and help) from everyone else in the CLUB. If anyone out there thinks they can do a better job with things, then step up to the plate and do something about it, otherwise just you can just shut up. Personally Jonathan, all I have to say to you about all of the efforts you have put into the CLUB is THHHHAAAAAAAAAAAKKKKSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Post by RodgerGrantham » Sat Oct 27, 2007 9:15 am

Hey Jim,

I have discussed this with Janice (Divisional SSS) and I have collected all of the materials I need to put on a SSS school or schools here at OMR to build up our SSS inventory (I am a licensed SSS instructor). We are so spread out, and with holidays coming up , I'm sure it will be a challenge to work out times/places to do this, but I have some ideas. We will have a few months now to get in a class or classes befor ethe season starts again in '08, so we just need to come up with a plan. If nothing else, I'll just come up with my own plan for a date and place, and go from there.


Rodger Grantham[/b]

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Post by vdub kirk » Sun Oct 28, 2007 8:24 pm

im a noob, i have only been to two events, and i just want to say that i want to help too.
i apologize, really, for dipping out early the times i was there, believe me i wanted to stay and actually liked working and stuff if it means i get to drive. i just already had sold my soul on scheduling to a new job before i started running. ive been really late both times. anyway, next year this is definitely a priority that will get scheduled around so im willing to be an early-arriver/late-stayer if nothing else. really, doing more sounds better, though. i certainly cant afford to drive to other locales and i agree that the OMR is a nice niche attraction, and a mini vacation i look forward to a lot. right now, i dont take but 3 sec to prepare to run, so in the future, even if its for nothing but trash duty or something, im in the red jetta, my name is kirk, just point me at it, i really dont care, i just want to be able to run as much as we can by the end of the day.
duffstudswoop in a jetta 1.8t
some say the outline of his left areola is the exact same as the Nurburgring Nordschleife. . . all we know is . . . he's called, "The Stig!"

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