OMR SCCA Board Meeting 7:00PM February 5th 2008 Members present Jonathan Fessenden Sam Henry Jeff Moore Curtis Wood Derik Gresham Forrest Tindal Motion made to despence with the reading of past minutes by Jeff Moore, second by Derik Gresham · Treasurers Report - Jeff Moore Befor SCCA dues Balance $(undisclosed) · Autocross - Jonathan Fessenden Lot Issue: Solo2 Lot is in the process of being approved per Brad, *since the board meeting the lot is approved for use, there is a few dates being checked on for double booking. The first date is available and we are full steam ahead! · Discussion on finding a new lot for autocross use. If anyone with contact information on any lots that might be an option for use, contact Curtis Wood to bring a presentation to the owner. Recommendation by Sam to get a letter of recommendation from Brad concerning lot rental. Jonathan Assigned to get the letter. · Recommendation made to assign the task of acquiring lot information. ID the lot, Find contact information,. Then give information to the RE (Curtis Wood) to make the contact with the appropriate owners. Curtis assigned to talk to national on lot acquisitions. · Website to have a lot acquisition forum to assist in acquiring lot owner information. · Solo2 Committee assigned to find lots and gather contact information. Recommendation by Forrest that the street smart can be used as a lure to get new lots available. Further research will be made by Jonathan, a recommendation to the board will be brought at the next meeting. · Supplements Motion made for the solo2 committee to create supplements or re-write them . Current supps to be provided by Sam Henry. Recommendation by Curtis to add the Supplements and the bylaws to the website Recommendation by Curtis to add aliases for board member emails. Generic mass mailing addresses (example and or ) · Motion made to sell the leftover T-shirts for $10 by Jeff Moore second by Sam Henry Website discussion per Ben. Assignment on what to do with the website. · Announcement of Jonathan Fessenden being unable to attend any of this seasons Sunday events Jonathan will still be available 4 all of his board duty's and responsibilities. · Solo2 schedule March 9 April 6 May 18 June 8 July 13 August 24 September 28 October 19 Motion made by Chrtis Wood to approve the schedule, seconded by Sam Henry Meeting adjourned by Jeff Moore