Minutes of the Ozark Mountain Region BOD meeting, 9/7/10. Members present: RE Curtis Wood, Bud Weeks, Jeff Moore, Sam Henry, Matt Longpine, Sara Huffman, and three other region members. Call to order, Curtis. Discussion of needs for next autocross on Sept. 12. There will be no concessions as Jared will be out-of-town. It was decided to extend lunch break to 45 min. for people to drive to the shopping area to get lunch. Trailer supplies are adequate. Port-a-potty bill needs to be paid. Discussion of plans for Pitt State autocross. Plans going smoothly since all is in place from last year. Last year OMR donated $5 per entry to SAE since there will be no charge for use of the lot. Motion to donate $5 per entry again this year to Pitt State SAE by Cutis, second by Bud. Passed. Discussion of the OMR Sundae Drive. Tentative date is Oct. 3, leaving about 9am from Ozark, destination Flippin, AR. That date conflicts with a big bike rally in Fayetteville. Tabled for now. Discussion of possible rallycross in Clever, MO. Discussion of need for Rallycross Safety Steward, and discussion of need for insurance and liability coverage for property owners. Discussion of tentative dates, Nov. 7 or 14. Motion to set date for rallycross of Nov. 7 with second choice date of Nov. 14 by Jeff, second by Matt. Passed. Discussion of paying rental fee of $250 plus waiving entry fees for property owners. Discussion of using the same price structure for competitors as the previous rallycross held in Aug. at MoKan. Motion to pay $250 for the site plus waive entry fees for site owners by Curtis, second by Jeff. Passed. Further discussion of Sundae Drive. It will be tabled at least for this month because of OMR's busy schedule. Secretary's report. Motion to accept minutes from Aug. and waive reading of minutes by Curtis, second by Jeff. Passed. Treasurer's report. Motion to approve by Sam, second by Jeff, Passed. Vicki Jarecki gave a report on plans for the Midiv Convention to be held in Springfield March 4-6, 2011, at the Oasis Convention Center. People are needed to do presentations. Sam will do a presentation on dyno sessions. Other ideas are needed. A short gimmick rally has been done in the past. The Traveling Tombstone gimmick drive is scheduled for Oct. 30. Sara will check on need for a rally steward and a sanction. Motion to adjourn by Jeff, second by Matt. Passed. Submitted by Bud Weeks, OMR Secretary.